WHOLESALE APPLICATION Wholesale Application Wholesale Application Applicant: EIN#: Business Name * Business Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Business Phone: (###) ### #### Email * Nature of Business: Sole Proprietor LLC Corporation Land Years in business: * Nature of business: * Landscape Construction Board Contractor Construction Board Association of Professional Landscape Designers National Association of Landscape Professionals Retail Nursery Grower Nursery Interior Designer Estimated monthly/yearly purchases: * Monthly Yearly $500-1000 $1000-2000 $3000-5000 $5000+ Owners, Partners, Officers or Designated Representative Name: * First Name Last Name Owners, Partners, Officers or Designated Representative Address: * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Owners, Partners, Officers or Designated Representative Phone: * (###) ### #### Thank you for submitting your wholesale application. One of our representatives will contact you at their earliest convenance.