Pottery In The Wild Photo Contest 2023
The following photos were submitted to Pottery House by Fans creating their own designs in their own settings with pottery and garden art from Pottery House in 2023
Garden Art Category
First Prize ($100 Gift Certificate): Barbara Seacrest took time to really set up her shot with the tree in foreground, view shot behind and our popular beach rock circle framing the composition. Fabulous job!
Second Prize ($50 Gift Certificate): Margaret Hillman found the perfect shot during a summer House Concert to highlight not only the band, but the bright colors of the Chelsea Garden rainbow pots Pottery House carries. Creative and fun!
Third Prize ($25 Gift Certificate): Diane Brown just loves our glass and rock garden art and found the perfect setting in her garden to enjoy sun glinting through the glass. Thanks for your support!
Interior Category
First Prize ($100 Gift Certificate): Jana Lamerande showed fantastic creativity for this unique use of our beautiful frost proof ceramic spheres in her modern kitchen setting to accent the black and white tile. Fantastic!
Second Prize ($50.00 Gift Certificate): Carolyn Austen loved this little earth tone pot. It brings to mind the desert landscape with that cute cactus planted in it. Thanks for participating Carolyn.
Third Prize ($25 Gift Certificate): Jade Robinson is so artistic and paired this sweet Turtle vine with her lovely cordovan leather handmade plant hanger and our botanical mint green pot. Love the color mix!
Landscape Category
First Prize ($100 Gift Certificate): Dutch Huyett has an amazing ranch in which he and his wife Karin pour their blood, sweat and tears. This Heirloom White Tuscan looks great in this setting. Its all worth it. Congratulations!
Second Prize ($50 Gift Certificate): Doug Hillman has been a regular at Pottery House and this silver rock tall cylinder planter sets off the industrial modern tone of the house. The dog and rock carving personalizes the composition.
Third Prize ($25Gift Certificate): Issac Bothman, Manager at Sisters Dairy Queen caught this great shot of our unglazed Vietnamese pot with a cute lolypop Dappled Willow. It really softens the commercial setting at the patio. Thanks Issac.
Water Feature Category
First Place ($100 Gift Certificate) Patty Meyer stopped by the shop looking for something special and we made her a custom fountain with our newest pottery styles. Her fountain and patio are winners.
Second Place ( $50 Gift Certificate) Mark and Donna Merriman were looking to updating their landscaping. Their completed project. You hit the mark in this xericscape. Enjoy your water feature.
Third Place: ( $25 Gift Certificate) Kate Atmore sent along this composition with humor and practicality making us chuckle with the whimiscal layout. Sweet!